
Development and production of innovative vaccines
for animal health

About us

About us

Russian biotechnology company developer and producer of a wide range of innovative vaccines to prevent infectious animal diseases.

We strive to meet the needs of farmers, growers, veterinarians and the society in general when it comes to animal health and welfare.

Our company has its own R&D centre and uses the latest technological advances to create innovative products. The company's production site, located in St. Petersburg, meets world standards and is designed to meet the latest GMP requirements.

We believe that the basis of our success is a team of professionals with extensive experience in biotechnology, united by a common goal - to become industry leaders.

Our Mission

To care for animal health worldwide and improve global food security by advancing scientific and industrial innovation in veterinary vaccines.


We believe that by using cutting-edge research and implementing manufacturing innovations, we can become an international leader in the production of veterinary vaccines aimed at creating a healthier society and harmonious coexistence between humans and animals.

Our values

Our values


Research and Innovation

We are fully committed to research and development of innovative biotechnological vaccines that can improve the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of animal diseases.


High quality

We are committed to compliance with regulatory standards at all stages of vaccine production. Strict controls and a commitment to perfection guarantee the reliability and efficiency of our products.


Ethical and Reliable

We attach great importance to ethical and reliable vaccine production, reducing our negative impact on the environment and adhering to high standards of business ethics.


Employee Support

We value our team and invest in their development. By supporting a positive working environment, we give our employees the opportunity to fulfil their potential. We encourage creativity, innovative thinking and a passion for what we do.


Customer and partner orientation

Our customers and partners are an integral part of our success. We understand their needs and provide a unique service, developing long-term relationships based on trust and mutual respect.


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